2019年6月30日 星期日

雪の華 - 中島美嘉(フル)耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東,摩押,亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但,提瑪,布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及…但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手。6 就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押和夏甲人,7 迦巴勒、亞捫和亞瑪力、非利士,並推羅的居民。8 亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手。My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod. Nimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東摩押亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但提瑪布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押夏甲人,迦巴勒亞捫亞瑪力非利士,並推羅的居民。亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of NimrodNimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東,摩押,亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但,提瑪,布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及…但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手。6 就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押和夏甲人,7 迦巴勒、亞捫和亞瑪力、非利士,並推羅的居民。8 亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手。My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod. Nimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).中島美嘉 Mika Nakashima - 雪花 (2004-2013 LIVE DIGEST Ver.) 中文字幕

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東摩押亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但提瑪布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押夏甲人,迦巴勒亞捫亞瑪力非利士,並推羅的居民。亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of NimrodNimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

胡楊林 喜歡詩篇 45 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) (CUVMPT) 頌讚神之榮威美德 45 可拉後裔的訓誨詩,又是愛慕歌,交於伶長。調用百合花。

詩篇 45 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) (CUVMPT)


45 可拉後裔的訓誨詩,又是愛慕歌,交於伶長。調用百合花。

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胡楊林現場演唱[我不是那個林妹妹]_北京EP發佈會詩篇 45 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) (CUVMPT) 頌讚神之榮威美德 45 可拉後裔的訓誨詩,又是愛慕歌,交於伶長。調用百合花。

詩篇 45 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) (CUVMPT)


45 可拉後裔的訓誨詩,又是愛慕歌,交於伶長。調用百合花。

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黃乙玲 /愛情的酒攏袂退/

2019年6月29日 星期六

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Al Jazeera English | Live


耶穌我摯愛 Jesus My Sweetest Love - [中英歌詞版]詩篇 45 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) (CUVMPT) 頌讚神之榮威美德 45 可拉後裔的訓誨詩,又是愛慕歌,交於伶長。調用百合花。

詩篇 45 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) (CUVMPT)


45 可拉後裔的訓誨詩,又是愛慕歌,交於伶長。調用百合花。

《今日关注》 20190629 特朗普访韩想见金正恩 美朝峰回路转?| CCTV中文国际

20190629 臺北教會安息日上午聚會 - 以色列民因著信過海

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東,摩押,亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但,提瑪,布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及…但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手。6 就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押和夏甲人,7 迦巴勒、亞捫和亞瑪力、非利士,並推羅的居民。8 亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手。My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod. Nimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).瞳をとじて [Hitomi wo Tojite] - 平井 堅 [Hirai Ken] (日本語歌詞付き+ ローマ字 [romaji] + le...

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東摩押亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但提瑪布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押夏甲人,迦巴勒亞捫亞瑪力非利士,並推羅的居民。亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of NimrodNimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

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青山テルマ feat.SoulJa / そばにいるね 耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東,摩押,亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但,提瑪,布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及…但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手。6 就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押和夏甲人,7 迦巴勒、亞捫和亞瑪力、非利士,並推羅的居民。8 亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手。My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod. Nimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東摩押亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但提瑪布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押夏甲人,迦巴勒亞捫亞瑪力非利士,並推羅的居民。亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of NimrodNimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

黃乙玲 /愛情的酒攏袂退/

吳淑敏 {愛情的酒攏袂退}

RT News: On-air livestream 24/7 (HD)

Al Jazeera English | Live

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東,摩押,亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但,提瑪,布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及…但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手。6 就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押和夏甲人,7 迦巴勒、亞捫和亞瑪力、非利士,並推羅的居民。8 亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手。My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod. Nimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).中島美嘉 Mika Nakashima - 雪花 (2004-2013 LIVE DIGEST Ver.) 中文字幕

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東摩押亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但提瑪布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押夏甲人,迦巴勒亞捫亞瑪力非利士,並推羅的居民。亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of NimrodNimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

胡楊林 喜歡詩篇 45 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) (CUVMPT) 頌讚神之榮威美德 45 可拉後裔的訓誨詩,又是愛慕歌,交於伶長。調用百合花。

詩篇 45 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) (CUVMPT)


45 可拉後裔的訓誨詩,又是愛慕歌,交於伶長。調用百合花。

2019年6月28日 星期五

MISIA - It's just love - THE TOUR OF MISIA LOVE BEBOP 2017耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東,摩押,亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但,提瑪,布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及…但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手。6 就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押和夏甲人,7 迦巴勒、亞捫和亞瑪力、非利士,並推羅的居民。8 亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手。My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod. Nimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東摩押亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但提瑪布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押夏甲人,迦巴勒亞捫亞瑪力非利士,並推羅的居民。亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of NimrodNimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

中島美嘉 『雪の華』 (映画『雪の華』主題歌) cover by Uh.耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東,摩押,亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但,提瑪,布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及…但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手。6 就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押和夏甲人,7 迦巴勒、亞捫和亞瑪力、非利士,並推羅的居民。8 亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手。My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod. Nimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東摩押亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但提瑪布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押夏甲人,迦巴勒亞捫亞瑪力非利士,並推羅的居民。亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of NimrodNimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

I love Nimrod's Assyria (the UFOs of the earth's mantle of the Earth)【HD】『逢いたくていま』/ MISIA【中日字幕】耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東,摩押,亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但,提瑪,布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及…但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手。6 就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押和夏甲人,7 迦巴勒、亞捫和亞瑪力、非利士,並推羅的居民。8 亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手。My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod. Nimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東摩押亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但提瑪布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押夏甲人,迦巴勒亞捫亞瑪力非利士,並推羅的居民。亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of NimrodNimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

吳淑敏 {愛情的酒攏袂退}

20190628 臺北教會週五晚間聚會- 神的箭

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東,摩押,亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但,提瑪,布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及…但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手。6 就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押和夏甲人,7 迦巴勒、亞捫和亞瑪力、非利士,並推羅的居民。8 亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手。My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod. Nimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).中島美嘉 Mika Nakashima - 雪花 (2004-2013 LIVE DIGEST Ver.) 中文字幕

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東摩押亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但提瑪布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押夏甲人,迦巴勒亞捫亞瑪力非利士,並推羅的居民。亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of NimrodNimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

Al Jazeera English | Live

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胡楊林 喜歡詩篇 45 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) (CUVMPT) 頌讚神之榮威美德 45 可拉後裔的訓誨詩,又是愛慕歌,交於伶長。調用百合花。

詩篇 45 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) (CUVMPT)


45 可拉後裔的訓誨詩,又是愛慕歌,交於伶長。調用百合花。

2019年6月27日 星期四

20190624 臺北教會週一晚間聚會- 國一班學生靈恩會-用基督徒的口舌(音源修復)

若是有你佇我的生命- SOLSO 水流之音聖樂團-愛使我們相聚一起 新春音樂會

Doraemon US season 1 episode 10 english dub

Dreams and Nightmares in Japanese ★ My Dream Is To ~ = 夢は ~

雪の華 - 中島美嘉(フル)耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東,摩押,亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但,提瑪,布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及…但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手。6 就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押和夏甲人,7 迦巴勒、亞捫和亞瑪力、非利士,並推羅的居民。8 亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手。My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod. Nimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東摩押亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但提瑪布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押夏甲人,迦巴勒亞捫亞瑪力非利士,並推羅的居民。亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of NimrodNimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東,摩押,亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但,提瑪,布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及…但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手。6 就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押和夏甲人,7 迦巴勒、亞捫和亞瑪力、非利士,並推羅的居民。8 亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手。My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod. Nimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).【すえみ/ボリス】ペガサス幻想 ver.Ω (PEGASUS FANTASY ver.Ω)【Cover】

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東摩押亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但提瑪布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押夏甲人,迦巴勒亞捫亞瑪力非利士,並推羅的居民。亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of NimrodNimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

Saint Seiya - Pegasus fantasy (Official video) 2017 | Mega Jugador耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東,摩押,亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但,提瑪,布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及…但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手。6 就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押和夏甲人,7 迦巴勒、亞捫和亞瑪力、非利士,並推羅的居民。8 亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手。My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod. Nimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東摩押亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但提瑪布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押夏甲人,迦巴勒亞捫亞瑪力非利士,並推羅的居民。亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of NimrodNimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

2019年6月26日 星期三

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東,摩押,亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但,提瑪,布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及…但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手。6 就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押和夏甲人,7 迦巴勒、亞捫和亞瑪力、非利士,並推羅的居民。8 亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手。My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod. Nimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).瞳をとじて [Hitomi wo Tojite] - 平井 堅 [Hirai Ken] (日本語歌詞付き+ ローマ字 [romaji] + le...

耶利米書 48:45-47 後日摩押必復振興 prosperous 47 耶和華說:「到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。」摩押受審判的話到此為止。 21 以東摩押亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王, 23 底但提瑪布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及但以理書 11:41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手就是住帳篷的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押夏甲人,迦巴勒亞捫亞瑪力非利士,並推羅的居民。亞述也與他們聯合,他們做羅得子孫的幫手My beloved and charming giant Assyrian hybrid of the Moabites of the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of NimrodNimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and the USOs of the sea of the Earth) is my beloved, big, and powerful cousins, who are the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. I’m very extremely proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of Tyre (the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible and the giant people of the USOs of the sea of the Earth).

This Doesn’t Fit | Dr. Dharius Daniels | Elevation Church

西番雅書 1 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) 07.08.2022. 猶大作惡主必嚴懲 1  當 猶大 王 亞們 的兒子 約西亞 在位的時候,耶和華的話臨到 希西家 的玄孫、 亞瑪利雅 的曾孫、 基大利...