My Lord Jesus is going to suddenly and utterly consume and burn up the whole human race that are currently dwelling on the face of the whole earth through the most apocalyptic solar super storms of magnetic re-connection on the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out.
My Lord Jesus is going to suddenly and utterly wage all-out solar genocide to the whole human race on the face of the whole earth through the most apocalyptic solar super storms of magnetic re-connection on the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out. My Lord Jesus is going to suddenly descend from heaven on the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out.
Al-Sisi, the Egyptian president, is going to suddenly cancel and suspend the bread subsidies in Egypt for triggering all-out uprisings across the country, which is the all-out civil war in Egypt, written in the Isaiah 19 of the Christian Bible.
Cancelling and suspending the bread subsidies in Egypt is going to plunge 70 million poor Egyptians into totally hopeless starvation instantly and immediately.
And, 70 million poor Egyptians are going to strike back and overthrow Al-Sisi’s regime, igniting all-out civil war in Egypt, fulfilling the Isaiah 19 of the Christian Bible. This biblical prophesy is written in the Isaiah 19 of the Christian Bible.
And, my Lord Jesus is going to plunge the whole human race into the mass extinction event on the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out, which is the solar Apocalypse and the judgement day of my Lord Jesus’ hands.
And, the most apocalyptic geomagnetic storming is going to suddenly and utterly disrupt the earth’s core for triggering the largest-scale super volcanoes’ eruptions and mega thrust earthquakes and mega tsunamis ferociously sweeping across the globe, displacing all the tectonic plates all at once, suddenly opening-up giant sinkholes everywhere across the globe. And, my Lord Jesus is going to put a sudden end to the human civilization on the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out.
And, the most apocalyptic geomagnetic storming, which is going to come upon the whole human race on the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out, is the solar Apocalypse of the Judgement Day of my Lord Jesus’ hands on the Day of the Lord.
And, this is the most apocalyptic solar super storms of magnetic re-connection on the Day of the Lord, suddenly and utterly consuming and burning up the whole human race on the face of the whole earth on the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out.
And, all the sinners and unbelievers and backsliders are all going to be thrown into the Hades, and then into the lake of fire being burned for eternity after the Great White Throne Judgement, weeping and crying and screaming in extremely physical pains in the flame and in horror for eternity, all turned into the eternally living corpses in the flame for eternity, no way out. And, this is the Second Death. And, this is the Judgement for my Lord Jesus to wage upon the sinners and unbelievers and backsliders in the near future.
And, the world public is going to watch breaking news over Egypt on TV for stalking the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out, which is the Day of the Lord.
And, my Lord Jesus has been bowing down the heavens for years, solar super storms of magnetic re-connection striking the earth’s magnetic field, causing the dent splitting into two pieces, the collisions of the sun’s magnetic fields and the earth’s magnetic field and the energy being released equivalent to several billions of the hydrogen bombs detonated all at once in the earth’s atmosphere on the Day of the Lord, suddenly and utterly consuming the human race and the wild animals and the fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens on the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out.
My Lord Jesus has been mingling a perverse spirit into Egypt, mind controlling Al-Sisi’s regime into doing something reckless and unthinkable, such as cancelling and suspending the bread subsidies for triggering all-out armed uprisings across the country. And, this is the biblical prophesy of the Christian Bible, written in the Isaiah 19 of the Christian Bible.
And, the earth’s magma has been accelerating for years, leading to the imminent and sudden global pole shift, the inhabitants of the earth suddenly burned on the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out.
And, massive and mysterious neutrinos have been shooting out of the Antarctica for years, which is the most horrifying prelude of the most apocalyptic solar super storms of magnetic re-connection on the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out. Neutrinos are a secondary product of the nuclear fusion that powers the sun. And, the Icecube is a part of the most advanced warning systems for predicting the exact impact moment of the magnetic re-connection in the earth’s atmosphere.
And, the Ethiopian prime minister is at battlefront fighting against the rebels now in the Afar region of Ethiopia. And, the militias affiliated to the Ethiopia’s government are fighting against Sudan military along the border. And, Egypt is still preparing to hike the prices of the bread subsidies. And, Egypt and Sudan are going to war against Ethiopia over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in the near future.