以賽亞書 19 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional)

Russia said that the ongoing Ukraine crisis and tensions liken to the Cuban missile crisis, which means that the world is on the brink of nuclear war.

And, Ukraine said that there will be a really bloody massacre if Russia invades into Ukraine, and the Russian guys will come back in the coffins.

And, low-level talks will be held on January 10, 2022, for the ongoing Ukraine crisis. NATO and Russia’s low-level talks will be held on January 10, 2022, for the ongoing Ukraine crisis.

Biden this week urged Russia’s Vladimir Putin to lower the tensions with Ukraine, warning the U.S. was prepared to “respond decisively" if Russia invades.
And, Al-Sisi’s regime in Egypt is not going to feed the newly weds’ babies through bread subsidies. And, this move is going to trigger all-out armed uprisings across the country.
And, this is the revolution and all-out civil war in Egypt, written in the Isaiah 19 of the Christian Bible, for the hot, young, and energetic couples in Egypt are going to overthrow Al-Sisi’s regime over the bread subsidies.
The hot, young, and energetic couples in Egypt are not gotta watch and see their babies to starve to death, and that’s why they all gotta overthrow Al-Sisi’s regime through all-out armed uprisings across the country.
And, Russia and Ukraine gotta go to all-out war. Ukraine has been motivating all the women, including the pregnant women, for the heavily nuclear-armed Russia Bear is going to invade into Ukraine and conduct a really bloody massacre in the extremely near future.
And, my Lord Jesus has been bowing down His heavens for years, solar super storms of magnetic re-connection striking the earth’s magnetic field, causing the dent splitting into two pieces, the collisions of the sun’s magnetic fields and the earth’s magnetic field and the energy being released equivalent to several billions of the hydrogen bombs detonated all at once in the earth’s atmosphere on the Day of the Lord, suddenly and utterly consuming and burning up the human race and the fish of the sea and the wild animals and the birds of the heavens all at once on the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out.

And, my Lord Jesus is going to suddenly wage all-out solar genocide (the mass extinction event of the solar Apocalypse) to the human race on the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out, disrupting the earth’s core, triggering the largest-scale super volcanoes’ eruptions, displacing the tectonic plates through mega-thrust earthquakes and mega tsunamis ferociously sweeping across the globe.
And, the earth’s magma has been accelerating for years, leading to the imminent and sudden global pole shift, the inhabitants of the earth burned on the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out.
And, massive and mysterious neutrinos have been shooting out of the Antarctica for years, which is the scariest prelude of the solar super storms of magnetic re-connection in the earth’s atmosphere on the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out.