2018年12月20日 星期四

Edward Snowden: UFOs Come From Civilization In Earth Mantle

Edward Snowden: UFOs Come From Civilization In Earth Mantle: Oh dear, it is Edward Snowden again, the highly acclaimed computer professional and a former Central Intelligence Agency employee who copied and leaked the secret government data to the public about the government plans for global surveillance. A civilisation inside the Earth He is hiding as a…23 列國人也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。



This Doesn’t Fit | Dr. Dharius Daniels | Elevation Church

西番雅書 1 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) 07.08.2022. 猶大作惡主必嚴懲 1  當 猶大 王 亞們 的兒子 約西亞 在位的時候,耶和華的話臨到 希西家 的玄孫、 亞瑪利雅 的曾孫、 基大利...