2019年1月10日 星期四

正在直播:CCTV 中文国际频道

I am always a devout Oneness Pentecostal Protestant Christian adhering firmly and absolutely to the Ten Commandments written in the Book of Exodus chapter 20 of the Christian Bible, and I am a chosen prophet of Lord Jesus Christ. And, I am a biologically and genetically pureblood descendant of the Han Chinese, which means I’ve got talent and I’ve got brains, speaking Mandarin Chinese and Minnan dialect as my L1 language. And,
I always worship Lord Jesus Christ as my only one God. And, I’ve been
in Christ for many years. I am also filled with the Holy Spirit speaking
in tongue. Lord Jesus Christ is the only God. And, I just simply speak English as my L2 language and working language, an advanced ESL speaker. And, I am a C1 user of the structure and written expression of the written English, capable
of producing clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects,
showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and
cohesive devices.
And, I’ve got TOEIC 920 points in January of 2001. And, in January of 2001, I’ve already got TOEIC Reading 455 points, which means I’ve already become a C1 user of TOEIC Reading since the January of 2001. And, I’ve got TOEFL-ITP 617 points in March of 2013. And, I’ve got 66 out of 68 in the structure and written expression of this TOEFL-ITP exam in March of 2013. And, I’ve learned English on my own and all by myself. I’ve
learned how to speak English through watching English news and
listening to English class on the air on my own and all by myself for
many years when I was still a student roughly 24 years ago, and then I
can speak English just like a parrot copying human’s speech. And, the
only difference is that I
know what I am talking about in English through my mind when I am
speaking English as my L2 language, and a parrot doesn’t know what it’s
talking about when it copies human’s speech. And, I don’t talk to any
native speaker of English for practising my English speaking, because
I’ve got talent and I’ve got brains of learning how to speak English on
my own and all by myself through just simply watching English news and
listening to English class on the air. I am brilliant and I am talented
and I am gifted on learning how to speak English well and fluently.
Praise Lord Jesus Christ for giving me talent of learning English
speaking on my own and all by myself only through watching English news
and listening to English class on the air.



This Doesn’t Fit | Dr. Dharius Daniels | Elevation Church

西番雅書 1 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) 07.08.2022. 猶大作惡主必嚴懲 1  當 猶大 王 亞們 的兒子 約西亞 在位的時候,耶和華的話臨到 希西家 的玄孫、 亞瑪利雅 的曾孫、 基大利...