2019年1月10日 星期四

不變的應許-SON Music(討你喜悅)

2019年1月10日 星期四


Nimrod’s Assyria is now currently located in the earth’s mantle and in
the sea of the Earth, which is the Gentiles of the Christian Bible. It’s
a big secret written in the Christian Bible. Nimrod’s Assyria is the
blessed work of the Lord Jesus’ hands for obliterating and slaying the
house of Israel on the day the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed
and fully implemented for the political settlement, just as at the
moment Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out on the Day of the
Lord Jesus. 寧錄的亞述王國才是主耶穌基督的工作,都寫在ISAIAH19章,只是必須是雙語才能看得懂,



This Doesn’t Fit | Dr. Dharius Daniels | Elevation Church

西番雅書 1 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) 07.08.2022. 猶大作惡主必嚴懲 1  當 猶大 王 亞們 的兒子 約西亞 在位的時候,耶和華的話臨到 希西家 的玄孫、 亞瑪利雅 的曾孫、 基大利...