2020年3月20日 星期五

Black Hole at the Centre of Vulcan - Star Trek

賽亞書 19 預示埃及之禍亂 19 論埃及的默示。 看哪,耶和華乘駕快雲,臨到埃及。埃及的偶像在他面前戰兢,埃及人的心在裡面消化。 2 「我必激動埃及人攻擊埃及人,弟兄攻擊弟兄,鄰舍攻擊鄰舍,這城攻擊那城,這國攻擊那國。


Frankly speaking, the really excellent, exceptional, and perfect Truth of my Lord Jesus is always and already making me laugh happily and joyfully all the time. 


Gog and Magog, of Ezekiel 38 and 39 of the Christian Bible, are NOT the Russians.

「evil smile」的圖片搜尋結果

Gog and Magog, of Revelation 20 of the Christian Bible, are NOT the Jewish people.

「evil smile」的圖片搜尋結果

Gog and Magog, of Revelation 20 of the Christian Bible, are NOT the white people, either.


Gog and Magog, of Revelation 20 of the Christian Bible, are the distinct hybrid species of the giant Assyrian chief prince of Nimrod and the Moabites, which is one of the Gentiles of the Christian Bible of the giant Assyrian people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod.


Gog, of Ezekiel 38 and 39 of the Christian Bible, is the leader of the northern army (JOEL 2:20) of the Day of the Lord, and this Gog is the prince of Daniel 9:26 of the Christian Bible. And, this Gog is Nimrod’s chief son, who is the giant Assyrian judge of the Moabites of the giant Assyrian people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod.


Nimrod’s Assyria (the giant people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle and USOs of the sea of the Earth) is the Gentiles of the Christian Bible, which is the blessed work of my Lord Jesus’ hands for obliterating Israel on the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out.

「evil smile」的圖片搜尋結果

And, this Nimrod’s Assyria already obliterated the Japhetites some 4.5 billion years ago, and seized all their lands and identities, written in MICAH 5 and GENESIS 10 of the Christian Bible.

「evil smile」的圖片搜尋結果

And, Ham’s still alive, and he’s already seized some of the lands and identities, such as Gomer, Kittim, Tarshish, and Togarmah, written in Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38, and Isaiah 23 of the Christian Bible.

「bloody smile」的圖片搜尋結果

And, the verse of Jeremiah 25:26 of the Christian Bible is always and already implying that there are some other worlds in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth. And, the key grammar term is the restrictive relative clause.

And, the far north of Jeremiah 25:26 of the Christian Bible is the far north of Ezekiel 38 and 39 of the Christian Bible, which is the north of Zephaniah 2:13. And, this north is Nimrod’s Assyria and her underground mega capital city (Nineveh).

And, the Tophet, of Isaiah 30:33 of the Christian Bible, is the earth’s mantle, so deep and large, indeed. And, this Tophet is Nimrod’s Assyria and her mega underground capital city (Nineveh).

And, the north of Jeremiah 25:26 of the Christian Bible is a territory of the giant Assyrian people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod. And, this north is an entrance to the earth’s mantle, which is Nimrod’s Assyria and her underground mega capital city (Nineveh).

So, the land of Magog, of Ezekiel 38 and 39 of the Christian Bible, is the north of the Earth, and this land is a territory of the giant Assyrian people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod.  

And, those who are shouting aloud in Isaiah 24:14-16 of the Christian Bible are the giant Tyrian people of the USO of the sea of the Earth of the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible, and some of them are living in the East Siberian Sea.

And, those giant Tyrian people of the USO of the sea of the Earth of the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible are at least 3-meter tall in height. And, these useful information and real Truth of my Lord Jesus is written in Russia’s USO Secrets.

And, this real Truth of my Lord Jesus is also written in Isaiah 23 and Zechariah 9:4 and Nahum 3:8-9 of the Christian Bible.

And, according to my Christian Bible, these giant Tyrian people of the USO of the sea of the Earth of the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible have been in charge of the giant Assyrian people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod’s wall and rampart (the sea of the Earth).

And, these giant Tyrian people of the USO of the sea of the Earth of the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible have the real power in the sea of the Earth, written in Zechariah 9:4 of the Christian Bible.

And, they’ve built some undersea fortified stronghold in the East Siberian Sea, written in Russia’s USO Secrets.

And, the really excellent and exceptional and perfect Truth of my Lord Jesus is that the crying men in the New Jerusalem, of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible, are those giant Tyrian people of the USO of the sea of the Earth of the Tyre of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible. And, those crying giant men in the New Jerusalem are now dwelling in the sea of the Earth, written in Russia’s USO Secrets. And, they’re going to cry for their beloved and darling cousin race, the giant Assyrian hybrid species of the giant Assyrian prince of Nimrod and the Moabites. And, these Moabites is one of the Gentiles of the Christian Bible of the giant Assyrian people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod.

And, the queen of Psalm 45 of the Christian Bible is the giant Assyrian princess of the giant Assyrian people of the UFOs of the earth’s mantle of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod, and she is at least 3-meter tall in height, and she is a descendant of Ham. Ham’s still alive, indeed. 

It has often been said that we know more about the surface of the Moon than we do about the world’s seas and oceans. The study of USOs (Unidentified Submersible Objects) is a case in point. For years, strange phenomena have been reported by people at sea, especially by navies around the globe. Although many of the USO files of the Soviet and Russian Navy remain secret, some have become available due to the painstaking efforts of dedicated researchers. Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle reveal strange encounters by the Soviet and Russian Navy with things that are not supposed to exist. Here you will read about the mysterious kvakeri, the “swimmers” of Lake Baikal, the oddities of Issyk Kul, inexplicable events within the forbidding Arctic Ocean, and much more. Most of these stories have never been told outside of Russia or the former Soviet Union. They provide yet more evidence that we are not alone. Indeed, they suggest a permanent presence of something unusual in the depths of Earth’s large bodies of water.





This Doesn’t Fit | Dr. Dharius Daniels | Elevation Church

西番雅書 1 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) 07.08.2022. 猶大作惡主必嚴懲 1  當 猶大 王 亞們 的兒子 約西亞 在位的時候,耶和華的話臨到 希西家 的玄孫、 亞瑪利雅 的曾孫、 基大利...