2020年8月22日 星期六

The 2020 Guide to the TOEFL Independent Essay

To tell all of you the real truth, in my personal and private life, I learned how to speak English through listening to some really interesting and informative and educative English class on the air when I was a student.


And, I’m still learning English through this some really excellent English class on the air, though I’ve got TOEFL-ITP 617 in 2011. When I listen to this excellent and wonderful English class on the air, I learn speaking English and listening to English simultaneouslyexpanding my knowledge all in English.

And, I also learn English writing in this English class on the air through reading all the articles carefully between the lines.   


The only technique is thinking all in English in my mind when listening to this excellent English class on the air. And, I speak Mandarin Chinese as my mother tongue. And, I speak English as my second language. I’m an ESL speaker and learner. And, from the linguistically perspectivethis technique is pragmatics, which is the study of the use of the target language. 


And, I also speak Min Nan dialect as my mother tongue because I’m a pure-blood Min-Nan-dialect-group Han Taiwanese man. And, of course, I speak Min Nan dialect as my mother tongue. In fact, I speak 3 languages, English and Mandarin Chinese and Min Nan dialect. And, I’m an ESL user, in fact.

And, I’ve got a big secret. I wanna reveal here in my blog. I learned speaking, listening, reading, and writing comprehension all in English and all by myself through this excellent English class on the air when I was a student.

I’m always being taught all in English in this excellent English class on the air, for this wonderful and excellent English class on the air has been always broadcasting on the air all in English since I was a kid. I knew this English class’ very existence when I was 15 years old in the 3rd grade year in my junior high school in Taiwan. And, I began studying in this English class on the air later in my life. 

This English class on the air is one of my indispensable knowledge hubs for learning English. 

And, I’m still learning English through this English class on the air for reviewing my TOEFLITP and TOEIC knowledge and learning some new vocabulary.

And, by the way, I went to some really excellent and prestigious cram school here in Taiwan for studying TOEFL test, and later I scored 920 points in TOEIC in 2001. And, at that time, I always watched English news channel and HBO channel for preparing and getting ready for TOEIC Listening comprehension test in 2001. And, I studied on my own and all by myself later in my life in 2011 for TOEFLITP test, and I scored 617 points in my TOEFLITP test that year.

And, when watching English news channels and HBO channel and other English movie channels for getting ready and preparing for TOEIC and TOEFL-ITP’ listening comprehension test, I always used some black sticky tapes for covering all the Mandarin Chinese subtitles on the TV screen. And, this is the exact way the simultaneous interpreter studies when he or she is studying speaking English and listening comprehension. This is kinda of funAnd, in this way of studying English, watching HBO movies is a very fun way of studying English, and the Mandarin Chinese subtitles on the TV screen must be covered by black sticky tapes all the time when conducting the simultaneous interpreter’s way of studying English. In 2001, I scored 920 points in TOEIC test through conducting this fun way of studying English. And, my TOEIC Listening Comprehension test scored that year was 10 points higher than my TOEIC Reading Comprehension test.        



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西番雅書 1 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) 07.08.2022. 猶大作惡主必嚴懲 1  當 猶大 王 亞們 的兒子 約西亞 在位的時候,耶和華的話臨到 希西家 的玄孫、 亞瑪利雅 的曾孫、 基大利...