Robot 101 spilled his coffee on the desk. But he didn’t get it on his important documents. Oh, what a relief. He has gotta be more careful.
And, there are numberless giant scorpions and worms crawling and running on the face of the earth. The robots love barbecuing giant scorpions and worms for food and snack. Scorpion and worm are very delicious, from the robots’ perspective. And, that’s why the robots have been domesticating all the giant scorpions and worms for years, because the robots love eating scorpion and worm.
And, Johnny 001 is conducting transformation mode as a giant spider running on the ground for conducting reconnaissance tasks. Johnny 001 is a powerful genetically modified weaponized super human. Johnny 001 knows how to transform himself into a giant spider for infiltrating into the wild animals, because he needs to get closer and closer to the slum valley for observing what’s going on there. The slum valley is the robot’s farm for breeding genetically modified humans for infiltrating into the Pit of the Sahara deserts.
