2021年6月24日 星期四

Two Trump Prophets issue APOLOGY for 'missing' Prophetic Word regarding ...

06.24.2021…第二届柏林会议:美国感到乐观 德国支持撤离雇佣军 德贝巴警告阻挠选举-2 「我必激動埃及人攻擊埃及人,弟兄攻擊弟兄,鄰舍攻擊鄰舍,這城攻擊那城,這國攻擊那國。

Robot 101’s artifice gradually abated his friend’s bile. Today Robot 101 fell asleep in the train, and he missed his stop. He was almost late for work. Phew, what a relief.

And, Robot 102 and 101 are always and still pondering and contemplating about the waging all-out nuclear genocide to the human species hiding in the Pit of the Sahara deserts. The robots are very much wanting to wage all-out nuclear genocide to the human species hiding in the Pit of the Sahara deserts. From the robot’s perspective and point of view, the human species hiding in the Pit of the Sahara deserts are the most wanted. Robots love indulging into shopping sprees on the streets and in the malls of the matrix mega city of the robots of the mountains. Robots are always want to shop in the malls of the matrix mega city of the robots.

And, Robot 105 is setting up operations in a dune of the deserts, observing giant scorpions running back and fro in the deserts. Robots love barbecuing scorpion and worm and shrimp and red lobster during the musical festival on the beach of the Galapagos, which is for celebrating the Flowers and Gardens Day of the robots. Massive and major sand storms are pounding the Sahara deserts, causing darkness and blackness in the sky day and night.

And, Robot 109 is scuba diving in the lagoons of the Galapagos, observing great white sharks and salt-water crocodiles swimming in the sea around the Galapagos, which is the marine field trip for the biology and science classes during the summer time. And, a giant killer whale is fast approaching to the great white sharks swimming in the sea around the Galapagos. And, there are sea horses swimming in the lagoons of the Galapagos.

And, bees are flying over the Galapagos, covering and engulfing the islands, numberless bees engulfing the sky over the islands. The bees are busy on the islands full of flowers and gardens. The bees are engulfing the Galapagos, the sky dark and black, just like the layers of the atmospheres engulfing the planet Jupiter.


以賽亞書 19 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional)

預示埃及之禍亂19 論埃及的默示。

[0]看哪,耶和華乘駕快雲,臨到埃及。埃及的偶像在他面前戰兢,埃及人的心在裡面消化。 「我必激動埃及人攻擊埃及人,弟兄攻擊弟兄,鄰舍攻擊鄰舍,這城攻擊那城,這國攻擊那國。 埃及人的心神必在裡面耗盡,我必敗壞他們的謀略,他們必求問偶像和念咒的、交鬼的、行巫術的。 我必將埃及人交在殘忍主的手中,強暴王必轄制他們。」這是主萬軍之耶和華說的。[0]

海中的水必絕盡,河也消沒乾涸。 江河要變臭,埃及的河水都必減少枯乾,葦子和蘆荻都必衰殘。 靠尼羅河旁的草田,並沿尼羅河所種的田,都必枯乾,莊稼被風吹去,歸於無有。 打魚的必哀哭,在尼羅河一切釣魚的必悲傷,在水上撒網的必都衰弱。 用梳好的麻造物的,和織白布的,都必羞愧。 10 國柱必被打碎,所有傭工的心必愁煩。

牧伯謀士盡為愚蒙11 瑣安的首領極其愚昧,法老大有智慧的謀士所籌劃的成為愚謀。你們怎敢對法老說「我是智慧人的子孫,我是古王的後裔」? 12 你的智慧人在哪裡呢?萬軍之耶和華向埃及所定的旨意,他們可以知道,可以告訴你吧! 13 瑣安的首領都變為愚昧,挪弗的首領都受了迷惑,當埃及支派房角石的使埃及人走錯了路。 14 耶和華使乖謬的靈摻入埃及中間,首領使埃及一切所做的都有差錯,好像醉酒之人嘔吐的時候東倒西歪一樣。 15 埃及中,無論是頭與尾,棕枝與蘆葦,所做之工都不成就。[0]

耶利米書 25 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional)




This Doesn’t Fit | Dr. Dharius Daniels | Elevation Church

西番雅書 1 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) 07.08.2022. 猶大作惡主必嚴懲 1  當 猶大 王 亞們 的兒子 約西亞 在位的時候,耶和華的話臨到 希西家 的玄孫、 亞瑪利雅 的曾孫、 基大利...