Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Simplified)
The world gotta end, and stupid Wordpress said that I just violated its rule. What rule?
I desperately need my Facebook, Twitter, and Wordpress for fear mongering and war mongering to the whole world. Next week, Russia and Ukraine gotta go what?
I'm gotta call the police, and tell the police that the world gotta end. Russia and Ukraine gotta go to all-out nuclear war. And, that's scariest thing ever I've ever witnessed by watching TV news. And, Egypt gotta go all-out civil war.
And, Russia said that the world is on the brink of nuclear war, because the ongoing Ukraine crisis likens to the Cuban missile crisis.
And, Ukraine said that there will be a really bloody massacre if Russia invades into Ukraine.
And, America's Blinken said that there is no progress if Russia always uses gun pointing Ukraine's head.
The Geneva talks gotta be no progress, which means that the talks gotta fail. And then, the world gotta go to war. So, two heavily nuclear-armed giants go to war. That gotta trigger all-out nuclear war, isn't it? And, that's totally scary. And, the world gotta be plunged into total nuclear winter. My Lord Jesus gotta suddenly descend from heaven soon.
31 十一年三月初一日,耶和华的话临到我说: 2 “人子啊,你要向埃及王法老和他的众人说:‘在威势上谁能与你相比呢? 3 亚述王曾如黎巴嫩中的香柏树,枝条荣美,影密如林,极其高大,树尖插入云中。 4 众水使它生长,深水使它长大,所栽之地有江河围流,汊出的水道延到田野诸树。 5 所以它高大超过田野诸树,发旺的时候枝子繁多,因得大水之力枝条长长。 6 空中的飞鸟都在枝子上搭窝,田野的走兽都在枝条下生子,所有大国的人民都在它荫下居住。 7 树大条长,成为荣美,因为根在众水之旁。 8 神园中的香柏树不能遮蔽它,松树不及它的枝子,枫树不及它的枝条,神园中的树都没有它荣美。 9 我使它的枝条蕃多,成为荣美,以致神伊甸园中的树都嫉妒它。
10 ‘所以主耶和华如此说:因它高大,树尖插入云中,心骄气傲, 11 我就必将它交给列国中大有威势的人,他必定办它。我因它的罪恶,已经驱逐它。 12 外邦人,就是列邦中强暴的,将它砍断弃掉。它的枝条落在山间和一切谷中,它的枝子折断,落在地的一切河旁。地上的众民已经走去,离开它的荫下。 13 空中的飞鸟都要宿在这败落的树上,田野的走兽都要卧在它的枝条下, 14 好使水旁的诸树不因高大而自尊,也不将树尖插入云中,并且那些得水滋润有势力的也不得高大自立。因为它们在世人中,和下坑的人都被交于死亡,到阴府去了。
15 ‘主耶和华如此说:它下阴间的那日,我便使人悲哀。我为它遮盖深渊,使江河凝结,大水停流。我也使黎巴嫩为它凄惨,田野的诸树都因它发昏。 16 我将它扔到阴间,与下坑的人一同下去,那时列国听见它坠落的响声就都震动,并且伊甸的一切树,就是黎巴嫩得水滋润最佳最美的树,都在阴府受了安慰。 17 它们也与它同下阴间,到被杀的人那里,它们曾做它的膀臂,在列国中它的荫下居住。
18 ‘在这样荣耀威势上,在伊甸园诸树中,谁能与你相比呢?然而你要与伊甸的诸树一同下到阴府,在未受割礼的人中与被杀的人一同躺卧。法老和他的群众乃是如此。这是主耶和华说的。’”