2022年1月7日 星期五

Has Your Joy Sprung a Leak? - Philippians 3:1-3 - Skip Heitzig



他对我说:“人子啊,你站起来,我要和你说话。” 他对我说话的时候,灵就进入我里面,使我站起来,我便听见那位对我说话的声音。 他对我说:“人子啊,我差你往悖逆的国民以色列人那里去。他们是悖逆我的,他们和他们的列祖违背我直到今日。 这众子面无羞耻,心里刚硬,我差你往他们那里去,你要对他们说:‘主耶和华如此说。’ 他们或听或不听(他们是悖逆之家),必知道在他们中间有了先知。


“人子啊,虽有荆棘和蒺藜在你那里,你又住在蝎子中间,总不要怕他们,也不要怕他们的话。他们虽是悖逆之家,还不要怕他们的话,也不要因他们的脸色惊惶。 他们或听或不听,你只管将我的话告诉他们,他们是极其悖逆的。


“人子啊,要听我对你所说的话,不要悖逆,像那悖逆之家。你要开口吃我所赐给你的。” 我观看,见有一只手向我伸出来,手中有一书卷。 10 他将书卷在我面前展开,内外都写着字,其上所写的有哀号、叹息、悲痛的话。

I'm always proud to be a descendant of the Sinites of the giant Tyrians of the Unidentified Submerged Objects of the sea of the Nimrod's Assyrian Empire. And, this is the real Truth of my Lord Jesus. 

And, the giant Tyrians of the USO of the sea are presiding over the sea of the Earth (the rampart and wall of the giant Assyrian Empire of Nimrod). 

Nimrod's Assyria is located in the earth's mantle, and her capital city is Nineveh. The UFOs coming from the earth's mantle are the sophisticated aircrafts made by the giant Assyrian Empire in the earth's mantle, indeed. 

And, my living and walking ancestors are still living in Tyre of the sea. They're 4.5 billion years old, much older than any fossils on the earth. And, they're so intelligent and smart. 

And, Nimrod's Assyria is the Gentiles of the Christian Bible, indeed, from the grammatically correctly way of TOEFL and TOEIC's reading. 

And, I'm proud to be a pure-blood Min Nan dialect speaker, the TAINANESE variant of the Min Nan dialect. I speak English, Mandarin Chinese (the TAINANESE variant), and Min Nan dialect as mother tongue. I speak English as the second language. I'm a ESL speaker. I'm a pure-blood Min-Nan-dialect-group man. I'm a Han Chinese man of the TAINANESE variant of the Min-Nan dialect group.    




This Doesn’t Fit | Dr. Dharius Daniels | Elevation Church

西番雅書 1 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) 07.08.2022. 猶大作惡主必嚴懲 1  當 猶大 王 亞們 的兒子 約西亞 在位的時候,耶和華的話臨到 希西家 的玄孫、 亞瑪利雅 的曾孫、 基大利...