2022年1月6日 星期四

Everything is Falling





以賽亞書 19 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional)

預示埃及之禍亂19 論埃及的默示。

Russia said that the ongoing crisis likens to the Cuban missile crisis, which means that the world is on the brink of nuclear war.

And, Ukraine said that there will be a really bloody massacre if Russia invades into Ukraine, and the Russian guys will come back in the coffins.

And, fake “separatists,” supplied with Russian weapons, already control a small piece of eastern Ukraine, where they continue to fight the Ukrainian army, every day …

And, Egypt is still preparing to hike the prices of the bread subsidies, and Al-Sisi’s regime will never feed the newly weds’ new born babies in the future. The Egyptian regime is going to end the bread subsidies in the near future.

And, 70 million poor Egyptians are gotta overthrow Al-Sisi’s regime for triggering all-out armed uprisings across the country. And, this is the revolution and all-out civil war in Egypt, which is written in the Isaiah 19 of the Christian Bible.

And, my Lord Jesus is going to suddenly wage all-out solar genocide (the mass extinction event of the solar Apocalypse and the Judgement Day) to the human race on the face of the whole earth, suddenly and utterly consuming and burning up the human race and the wild animals and the fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens on the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out.

And, my Lord Jesus has been bowing down His heavens for years, solar super storms of magnetic re-connection striking the earth’s magnetic field, causing the dent splitting into two pieces, the collisions of the solar magnetic lines and fields and the earth’s magnetic field and the energy being released equivalent to several billions of the hydrogen bombs detonated all at once in the earth’s atmosphere on the Day of the Lord (the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out), suddenly and utterly consuming the human race and the wild animals and the fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens all at once on the Day of the Lord.

And, by the way, my Lord Jesus has mingled a perverse spirit into Egypt, mind controlling Al-Sisi’s regime to do something really reckless and unthinkable, such as ending the bread subsidies for triggering all-out armed uprisings across the country.

And, this is the all-out civil war in Egypt, written in the Isaiah 19 of the Christian Bible.

And, the earth’s magma has been accelerating for years, leading to the imminent and sudden global pole shift, the inhabitants of the earth burned on the Day of the Lord.

The most apocalyptic geomagnetic storming of magnetic re-connection gotta turn the earth up side down on the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out, the inhabitants of the earth burned on the Day of the Lord.

And, massive and mysterious neutrinos have been shooting out of the Antarctica for years, which is the most apocalyptic and the scariest prelude of the most apocalyptic solar super storms of magnetic re-connection in the earth’s atmosphere on the Day of the Lord. Neutrinos are a secondary product of the nuclear fusion that powers the sun. And, the Icecube is a part of the most advanced warning systems for predicting the exact impact of the magnetic re-connection in the earth’s atmosphere on the Day of the Lord.

Tensions between Ukraine and Russia are at their highest in years, as a Russian troop build-up fuels fears over Moscow’s intentions. Here’s a breakdown of a …

And, my Lord Jesus has been engulfing the earth through the solar magnetic lines and fields for years, just like a deadly and giant octopus of plasma firmly and tightly gripping its prey through the deadly and giant tentacles of plasma, the whole earth the prey.

How Octopuses Work | HowStuffWorks

My Lord Jesus is so ready to press the button of a giant and deadly microwave oven of plasma (the whole earth being engulfed by solar magnetic fields and lines) for cooking the human race into the barbecued corpses on the Day of the Lord (the day Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out).

Doomsday Clock Showing 100 Seconds Midnight Stock Vector (Royalty Free)  1651277236

The whole earth is now trapped in a giant and deadly cocoon of plasma, no way out. The Doomsday clock is ticking really fast now, running really fast to the end (the mass extinction of the solar Apocalypse and the Judgement Day).

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States and Germany said Wednesday that Russia’s military buildup near Ukraine’s border poses an “immediate and urgent challenge” to European security and that any intervention will draw severe consequences.

Unlike ballistic missiles that fly into outer space before returning on steep trajectories, hyper sonic weapons fly towards targets at lower altitudes and can achieve more than five times the speed of sound – or about 6,200 kilometres per hour (3,850 miles per hour).

NATO foreign ministers will hold an emergency video conference on Friday to discuss Russia’s military build-up around Ukraine, after a raft of demands from …

[0]看哪,耶和華乘駕快雲,臨到埃及。埃及的偶像在他面前戰兢,埃及人的心在裡面消化。 「我必激動埃及人攻擊埃及人,弟兄攻擊弟兄,鄰舍攻擊鄰舍,這城攻擊那城,這國攻擊那國。 埃及人的心神必在裡面耗盡,我必敗壞他們的謀略,他們必求問偶像和念咒的、交鬼的、行巫術的。 我必將埃及人交在殘忍主的手中,強暴王必轄制他們。」這是主萬軍之耶和華說的。[0]

海中的水必絕盡,河也消沒乾涸。 江河要變臭,埃及的河水都必減少枯乾,葦子和蘆荻都必衰殘。 靠尼羅河旁的草田,並沿尼羅河所種的田,都必枯乾,莊稼被風吹去,歸於無有。 打魚的必哀哭,在尼羅河一切釣魚的必悲傷,在水上撒網的必都衰弱。 用梳好的麻造物的,和織白布的,都必羞愧。 10 國柱必被打碎,所有傭工的心必愁煩。

牧伯謀士盡為愚蒙11 瑣安的首領極其愚昧,法老大有智慧的謀士所籌劃的成為愚謀。你們怎敢對法老說「我是智慧人的子孫,我是古王的後裔」? 12 你的智慧人在哪裡呢?萬軍之耶和華向埃及所定的旨意,他們可以知道,可以告訴你吧! 13 瑣安的首領都變為愚昧,挪弗的首領都受了迷惑,當埃及支派房角石的使埃及人走錯了路。 14 耶和華使乖謬的靈摻入埃及中間,首領使埃及一切所做的都有差錯,好像醉酒之人嘔吐的時候東倒西歪一樣。 15 埃及中,無論是頭與尾,棕枝與蘆葦,所做之工都不成就。[0]

耶利米書 25 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional)



This Doesn’t Fit | Dr. Dharius Daniels | Elevation Church

西番雅書 1 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) 07.08.2022. 猶大作惡主必嚴懲 1  當 猶大 王 亞們 的兒子 約西亞 在位的時候,耶和華的話臨到 希西家 的玄孫、 亞瑪利雅 的曾孫、 基大利...